Detachment 1149
"One City, Two State Detachment"
We are Detachment 1149 in Texarkana of the Marine Corps League. We are a group of Marine Corps Veterans and families that help other Veterans and their families. We still uphold the Honor and Traditions of the United States Marine Corps.
We have a business meeting once a month on the third Thursday of the month at 1900 hrs. (7:00 p.m. for those of us that has forgotten military time). We meet at the VFW Post 4562, 4700 E 13th St. Texarkana, AR 71854.
We also travel to fairs, festivals, and other events in our area, to recruit other Marines and fundraise so we can help veterans and their families.
We are a family friendly organization. We have family events throughout the year.
Incorporated by an act of Congress in 1937,
the Marine Corps League perpetuates the traditions of all Marines who proudly
wear of who have worn the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor of the United States Marine